“At any time during life, but especially during a pandemic, an exercise group not only helps you stay healthy but also offers a very valuable social and emotional outlet. It’s how we can connect with others.”

Walt has been in Southern California since he was 10 years old, prior to that he was in the South Bay. He used to be a runner, but eventually had a hip replacement and found Fit 4 the Cause. He too has found Fit 4 the Cause’s programs to be extremely beneficial.
In fact, Walt and Pam Loved the programs so much that when the pandemic hit, they volunteered to open a Zoom account to keep things going.
Pam thinks that the program is “wonderful and it is one way for us to stay healthy in mind and body.” She says it helps them both with their attitude and keeps them strong and healthy. She shared that she and Walt walk and ride bikes, but without Cindy, we wouldn’t be able to do strength training, yoga, and Zumba. “Fit 4 the Cause gives us a more well rounded physical fitness regimen.”
Equally as important, both Pam and Walt credit Fit 4 the Cause for giving them a social and emotional outlet. “We even have a virtual happy hour going to maintain that connection.” Both Walt and Pam have also been touched by how open the programs at Fit 4 the Cause are. All are welcome and all can benefit. The programs provided by Fit 4 the Cause are making a real difference in our community.
Fit 4 The Cause provides therapeutic exercise and nutrition education programs to low-income communities. Throughout this pandemic, the organization continues to expand its services for at-risk children, fragile seniors and vulnerable groups with special needs. The “Because of You” campaign features these service recipients who are excited to share their personal stories.
Please support our efforts by making a donation to our active non-profit organization, helping us continue to expand our virtual fitness programs for our beneficiaries. It is “Because of You” and your generous donations that we continue to motivate these communities through Zoom and other virtual platforms.