By Rachel Burns

Introduction: If you’re a runner who is heavily invested in sports nutrition, then chances are that you’ve heard that a gluten-free diet might help you reach your athletic goals and improve your overall well being. In fact, going gluten-free has been proven to have several health benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked.

We know you may be wondering, “what foods gluten-free”? So, to help you out with compiling your “what foods are gluten-free list” and finding out the best foods for gluten-free runners, both pre- and post-workout, just read on!

Description: Are you a runner who’s looking to find the best foods gluten-free? This informative article will tell you all about gluten-free foods that are perfect for pre- and post-workout meals, as well as which of them to avoid completely. 

First, Stock Your Pantry

Instead of looking for the foods gluten-free section at the grocery store, you can buy some pantry staples and prepare your gluten-free meals and snacks yourself.

Some natural foods gluten-free are: 

  • Chia seeds
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Brown rice and brown rice cakes
  • Gluten-free certified oats
  • Almond butter

These staples have a long shelf life and can be used in many gluten-free recipes. Now, let’s see what kind of foods gluten-free and snacks you can enjoy before and after your runs for maximum energy and a smooth recovery.


There are some wonderful pre-workout foods gluten-free ideas that you can prepare with minimal effort.

A good example of gluten-free foods for breakfast is a yummy oat parfait that you can make by soaking the oats in almond milk and letting them rest overnight in your fridge. Top them with fresh berries and almond butter in the morning for a quick and filling breakfast, which can also double as an amazing all-day snack, too!

You can make many variations of this oat parfait by adding any gluten-free topping of your choice or even opting to use chia seeds instead of oats, too.


Your body needs to recover post-workout, It is first and foremost protein; some carbohydrates, and a little bit of fat.

There are plenty of foods gluten-free that can help you do just that – especially when you combine them to create healthy snacks and meals.

Take, for example, green protein shakes or smoothies, which you can make using Greek yogurt or coconut milk as a base, and add green foods and protein, the latter being in the form of protein powder or almond or peanut butter.

Gluten-free foods to avoid

Not all foods gluten-free are ideal for runners, and we’re mostly talking about carb-laden and offering little nutritional value. Such examples include gluten-free cakes and snacks which contain lots of sugar and/or fat and few if any healthy sources of protein and fiber.

Also, if you’ve been wondering “are food coloring gluten-free”, then you should know that the answer is that some are, and some aren’t. You should always check food labels to know for sure whether what you’re buying contains food coloring that’s gluten-free.


There’s a wide variety of foods gluten-free that are perfect for runners. You can choose those you love the most and prepare healthy and tasty snacks and meals that are nutritious and satisfying.

Let us know in the comments: what are your favorite foods gluten-free? Do you have any recipes that you would like to share with fellow runners?

About the author

Rachel Burns has been writing on topics related to fitness and healthy eating for 2 years now. As a mother, she really appreciates the ease of raising children with her advice. Rachel specializes in plant-based diets. In addition to nutrition, she is also an exercise enthusiast.