Written by: Danielle Maina
When was the last time you ate a pear? A few years ago? Months ago? For most us the answer is not in ages, but for those rare pear-eaters who eat them with consistency, GOOD JOB! Pears are at the peak of their season during the fall months of September, October and November and when they are in season, they are a delicacy. Not only are they delicious, they are super versatile as well. Pears can be eaten simply raw, thrown into juices, sliced on top of yogurt or oatmeal, or even thrown into pancakes and/or waffles (talk about a delicious fall breakfast)! So WHY are pears so beneficial to your health? Similar to apples, pears are packed with dietary fiber (we all remember the importance of fiber from last week right?) and studies say that this fruit may protect against colon cancer due to the non-soluble polysaccharide in its’ skin, which acts as a great laxative in the gut. In addition, pears are a great fruit for people whose goal is weight loss due to their low calorie content. Pears are a great source of vitamin C (hello immune system), they’re high in antioxidant flavonoids beta-carotene, lutein, and zea-xanthin (all in which help fight harmful free radicals in the blood), Lastly, pears are high in minerals such as copper, iron, potassium, magnesium and manganese and B-complex vitamins (folate, riboflavin and pyridoxine) all which help fine-tune our body’s function. Who is going shopping for pears this week? You know I am! May even give the pear pancakes a shot!
Originally published on our Facebook page October 21, 2014